This overview of my work represents my artistic interests and painting experience. My career includes writing, lecturing, and teaching drawing, oil and watercolor painting, mixed media, graphic design, and art history.  

Collections include The University Hospital of Pennsylvania, Prime Time Magazine New Hope PA, Moody Movers Buckingham PA, Lambertville Public Library NJ, Dupont Annapolis MA, Dave Allan WJJZ 106.1 Philadelphia PA...

In the albums below you will find my subjects in colors and styles that best interpret each vision. Inspired by the nature we see and evocative of the nature we feel, my work as metaphor represents our inherent human nature.  My esthetic purpose is to engage our emotions and enlighten our spirit.

Represented by: Maslow Art Group LLC Philadelphia PA

                         Village Artworks Gallery Lahaska PA

Please send your reactions, comments and inquires about exhibitions, art commissions and purchasing to

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*All paintings are oil on canvas.